Sunday, November 15, 2009

Beef Stew and Some Special Rolls

Don't you just love the fall, it gives us all a good excuse to make that comfort food we have wanted since summer.  There's something about eating comfort food when the weather cools down, just goes together like apple pie and ice cream, and baseball  and hot dogs.  That's why on this cold rainy Saturday I decided to make some beef stew. 

Everyone has their own recipe for beef stew and they think it's better than anyone else's, kind of like chili recipes.  Mine is no different than others I start with the basics of beef stew, beef, potatoes, carrots, onions.  I do add on item, taught to me by my grandpa, one or sometimes two whole yellow onions.  Do you see it in the photo to the right?  Swimming lazily in a sea of gravy. 
The other reason for making beef stew?  I get a chance to try Big Sis's Rosemary Rolls.  Of course I got to give the real credit to the blog she got the recipe from and that is Pioneer Woman web site.  If you want to see "real" photos of these rolls I suggest you visit both of their blogs because both are much better at picture taking then I am, but I manage to get by.

Hard to beat beef stew and homemade rolls on a cool, rainy Saturday afternoon while football games are on the T.V.

And look that onion is still enjoying life in gravy......but not for long.

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