Monday, December 1, 2008

Leftover Turkey Salad

It's the end of an era my Thanksgiving turkey is gone. I used up the last of it tonight for dinner.


I like to make salads for dinner so simple, so fast, and so good. What it really comes down to is I was to lazy to cook anything tonight so what could be better?

One more bonus for a lazy night I only dirtied 4 things tonight, 1 fork, 1 knife, 1 bowl and one glass for my milk. The only meal I know better for dirty dishes is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

One last look and then the recipe at the bottom.


Cranberry Glazed Turkey Salad
Salad greens
Leftover Thankgiving cranberry glazed turkey
Favorite salad toppings
Favorite salad dressing

Mix together.

Serves 1.

1 comment:

carriegel said...

celebrating thanksgiving away from home means no leftover turkey :(